From 10th to 18th September 2022, Matt Jopson will be taking on an Adventure and Challenge of a lifetime - cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats all in aid of Disability Snowsport UK. Over the challenging 9 days, Matt will cycle 980miles from the Southern most point of the UK, to the Northern most point.
"In the build-up to my big ride south to north across Britain, I've been training as and when I can, working in the gym and riding a mix of hills and fast, high gear flats. I've done multi-day rides before while cycle touring across Spain carrying big weight so I know I have the ability to ride long distances consecutively. This though will test me to my limits. To be honest, in a weird and slightly backwards way, that's one of the things I'm looking forward to; seeing what I'm capable of and how far I can really push myself.

Aside from the pain (and the fear of bad weather), I'm most excited to see parts of the country I've never seen before and will never see again as well as bond with all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds with the ride consisting of nearly 1000 people raising money for many different causes. Hearing stories and feeling inspired by other people in as much pain as me I know will give me such a boost when I really need it. Let's just see how it all unfolds and besides, it's getting done. I'm too stubborn and proud to fail this mission."
Over the 9 days Matt will be sharing his progress on his personal Social Media pages, which are detailed below if you would like to follow Matt on his journey. As well as his Just Giving Page.
Facebook - @MatthewJopson
Instagram - @mattjopson
Just Giving -
We will also be regularly sharing updates on Matt progress both here and on our own Social Media Pages.
Arriving at the Start:

A mighty long day travelling through 'mixed' weather lands me here in time for my epic ride north. So much planning, fundraising and training has led me to this point and now just wanna get going and see what lies ahead - aside from simply 980 miles across 9 days...
Intimidated yes, of course, but so excited to see what unfolds in the next week.
What better way to see this wonderful nation in this week of all weeks. Will be strange but truly wholesome all the same.
Day 1:

Day 1 of 9 across Britain - Land's End - Okehampton
All things considered, a really strong start to this journey with Day 1 taking on Cornwall and parts of Devon on the toughest and hardest day of climbing of the whole thing.
A proper mixed bag from feeling strong and enjoying the group atmosphere to busting a lung and sweating up some stupid hill for half an hour. Despite hitting a wall (metaphorically) about 10 miles from the end and very nearly hitting a car from behind (literally) after it slammed on, I also spoke to a random lady on the street about the event and my charity who was kind enough to donate me a fiver there and then. Human kindness at a real high.
All settled, stretched and ready to rest before tomorrow and onto Bath another 100 and whatever miles away
Day 2:

Day 2 of 9 across Britain - Okehampton to Bath and I can't lie and say it was easy or straightforward.
At times I've felt really strong, especially on big climbs, getting out of the saddle and pushing. But a few pains really have crept up and caused me trouble... oh and the small matter of setting out on my own this morning and losing my way for a nice 8 mile detour... I don't half make it easy for myself.
Needed a lot of resolve and will power as well as this amazing team of random strangers to bond with and help pull you through.
Onto the next day praying for some better fortune and less pain. Not feeling amazingly hopeful but can only do what I can do.
Day 3:

Day 3 of 9 across Britain - Bath - Ludlow (via Wales..)
If ever there's a day of 2 halves, it's this one.
The mad knee pain of yesterday haunting me this morning. Losing pace, getting overtaken and hurting every pedal took it's tole and so did my self-belief (as well as fears over genuine injury as well as failure)
Just when it gets to the lowest point, a onroute chaperone comes to help, assess, advise and ride pushing me on. A couple of changes to the outfit and some good food and suddenly I'm a different man. Keeping pace in a large group, even leading from the front and crunching the miles.
I know there's a long way to go, 2 3rd's in fact, but confidence and belief is sky high and that is genuinely the most important thing
Chuffed! On to tomorrow.. and home!
Day 4:

Day 4 of 9 across Britain (albeit a day late..) - Ludlow - Haydock. AND HOME.
There's only image to really describe the ride into my home patch. Pretty flat and cruisey but long. Very long.
Cannot describe how weird it is to suddenly be in your familiar territory and every day riding routes considering where I've literally been only the last 3/4 days.
Must admit, given the 'easy' ride and the prize waiting for me at the end, I did overdo it slightly, chasing groups slightly too quickly and giving myself a new niggle to manage to the end.
It's all part of it and it was always gonna hurt so we crack on and deal with it.
Please keep donating, its really starting to hurt and the willpower and mentality is definitely pushing me forwards!
Day 5:

Day 5 of 9 across Britain - Haydock - Carlisle
Officially over half way and on the doorstep of Scotland. SCOTLAND. The whole of England is now behind me.
But not without the lake district popping itself in the way. The highest elevation of the journey so far mixed with high winds alongside towns and crazy traffic jams (check out Matt's Instagram to see the Sheep Traffic Jam -@mattjopson )
Wasn't feeling awfully fresh and positive this morning. And despite a nice start, pain set in. A quick strap up from the medics later on and somehow it holds to get me through the longest of days. Cant walk very well but I can ride and I'm taking that for now.
Again, please keep being amazing and giving what you can. It makes, and will continue to make the biggest difference!
Day 6:

Day 6 of 9 across Britain - Carlisle - Edinburgh
2/3's through and our first day in Scotland did not disappoint. Tough, long, bumpy and uncomfortable slog to start followed by the best lunchtime stint we've had so far. Smooth roads, incredible views and really strong pace up to a significant elevation. And the really good bit is yet to come...
This was followed by a gentle cruise for the last 20 miles helping some strugglers and bringing them on a long, tiring haul over some horrible feeling roads. The amount of times I've been pulled along by a group and encouraged to keep plodding forwards, it's about time I repaid the favour and saved some in the tank for a long hard day in the saddle tomorrow.
But when scenery like this is around you and the weather is as glorious, you just can't knock it.
Please keep giving if you can. It makes more of a difference than you can ever realise.
Day 7:

Day 7 of 9 across Britain - Edinburgh - Strathdon
That was hands down, by the biggest of margins, the toughest, brutal-est, most gruelling day of my whole life.
Gorgeous scenery all day but hitting the Cairngorms knocked me and every other one of these 900 riders for 6 with relentless and seriously massive headwinds on top of it being the bloody Cairngorms, i.e. not flat. It was said that's the toughest ever leg of any #rideacrossbritain challenge.
And i was so unbelievably close to needing the broom wagon bus to pick me up and bring me to basecamp, but I said that I would RIDE across Britain and there would be no compromises, unless my body physically couldn't pedal anymore and that's what I did. Ground it out and pushed way past my limits. I'll be honest, I cried 3 times. But I made it and we move on.
Proud of myself is an understatement, and I will never forget 'that afternoon on Glenshee'. Now lets go and get the last 2 days done.
Day 8:

Day 8 of 9 across Britain - Strathdon - Kyle of Sutherland
For those of you who've thought 'mm, hasn't he had such good luck with the weather' (and you'd be forgiven for thinking so too) well, welcome to Scotland!
Waking up today after our massive efforts yesterday was always gonna be hard. But when it's wet and cold and you have a 20% incline up a cloud topped mountain to face within half hour of starting, you really do wonder why you arent still cosy and asleep.
Still, I've maintained my record of riding every bit of this with me making it up there without walking, one of only about 40% of the whole group who managed. See, stubborn.
The rain continued making today sodden and cold and a proper slog. Only around lunchtime did it clear up enough to enjoy the firth's and highlands of this beautiful land.
And so to tomorrow... John O’Groats. The end is near. Let's get it!
Day 9:

Day 9 of 9 across Britain - Kyle of Sutherland - John O’Groats
I really don't know what to say other than I've bloody done it. 980 miles (+ another 8 went I went the wrong way on day 2...) from one end of the country to the other over 9 days.
I felt and finished so so strong, definitely something spurring me on across stunning highland riverside and coastal roads. The weather in the morning was honestly horrendous and everyone was so cold and sodden, but thankfully the road smoothed and the clouds cleared allowing us to finish this thing in the most perfect way.
Such an incredible event to be part of, every member of the crew just amazing. Thanks so much @thresholdsports.
As for the team of riders, I've never met and bonded with so many incredible and inspiring people so quickly. And that team effort has dragged every one of us those tough days. Such a wonderful group and the ride as a whole is something I'll never forget.
As for the fundraising, I'm blown away by your kind words and support but I'm still a little short of my target of £2400. Please, if you can give anything at all, please do, it would mean the world to reach my target for this wonderful charity!
Support Matt on this journey, by donating to his JustGiving Page-